Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC)
GFC is a new ground breaking procedure to rejuvenate and enhance hair growth in people suffering from hair loss and hair thinning. It is a more advanced version of the standard PRP therapy.
Unlike PRP, instead of platelets, in the GFC procedure, growth factors in high concentration are extracted from the platelets and injected directly into the scalp. It is a safe, scientific and simple treatment to treat hair loss.
What are the benefits of GFC?:
Rejuvenates hair follicles and reduces hair fall.
Improves hair thickness and volume.
Strengthens hair shaft and stimulates hair regrowth
Ideal for individuals with early-stage hair loss.
Suitable for both men and women.
The GFC Procedure:
1. BLOOD COLLECTION: In this procedure around 16 ml of the patient’s own blood is collected and stored in 4 container tubes.
2. PLATELET ACTIVATION: The container tubes with the patient’s blood are gently inverted 6 to 10 times and then kept upright for 30 minutes. This releases growth factors like PDGF, VEGF, EGF, and IGF-1 from the blood platelets.
3. GFC SEPARATION: After that the container tubes with the blood are placed in a centrifuge. The centrifugation process is done at 3400rpm for 10 minutes. This results in the separation of the Growth Factor Concentrate in a distinct layer.
4. INJECTING THE GROWTH FACTOR CONCENTRATE: This Growth Factor Concentrate is injected right into the hair root which gradually results in reduced hair fall and regrowth of hair.
TREATMENT DURATION: A GFC session can take approximately 60-90 minutes.
RESULTS: Visible results can be after 3 sessions.
SESSIONS NEEDED: 3 sessions on an average, with a gap of 1 month.
BOOSTER SESSIONS: Can be done every 3-6 months as per need.
Why opt for GFC?:
High concentrations of growth factors.
No platelet wastage during the procedure.
No risk of inflammation or pain.
Extracted serum has a stable life of 8 hours at room temperature.
No risk of contamination.
Simple procedure with no risk of complication.