

As we age, it is an inescapable truth that we lose muscle tone and elasticity in our skin, causing a loss of facial volume, sagging and wrinkling in varying degrees. As the skin sags, fat and tissue can accumulate under the chin area. Also increased sun exposure, or even one’s genetics can accelerate the aging process. Facelift can reverse these problems by removing excess fat, tightening muscles underneath the skin, and adjusting the placement of your neck and facial skin.

A face lift can restore the natural youthful appearance of your face.

Depending on your needs for facial rejuvenation, one of the below facelift procedures could help you achieve a more youthful and pleasing appearance.

Full Standard Facelift Procedure:

In a full standard facelift, after the administering of general anesthesia, the performing surgeon creates an incision in the front of the ear, up towards the hairline and behind the ear into the scalp. The surgeon will next separate the skin from the underlying fats and muscles. The fat will be trimmed or suctioned in order to improve the neck’s and chin’s contour. Muscles and membranes will be tightened and the skin will be pulled back, removing any excess in the process. Incisions will be closed by stitches, while the scalp will be secured by metal clips. A tube will be tucked under the skin behind the ear to drain any blood after the procedure, and the head will be wrapped loosely by a bandage to minimize bruising and swelling.

There is minimal risk involved when a facelift is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon.
MACS Lifting Procedure (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension)

MACS (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) is one of the safest, most popular lifting techniques in the world. It is a procedure that lifts the lower part of the face and the upper neck. The main difference between this type of face lift surgery and the traditional method is that the incisions made are smaller and the tightening of facial muscles and removal of excess fat is done through these small surgical incisions. Excess fat can also be removed using this face lift procedure.

Patients could benefit further by having a ‘Liquid facelift’ or fillers injected at the same time as having a MACS Facelift to enhance the look of your skin and your facial appearance.

A well-executed MACS Lift will tighten much of your facial skin and leave you looking fresher with a more youthful appearance.

Other Cosmetic Surgery Treatments

We owe our reputation to a personalized approach in providing the highest quality cosmetic surgery treatments to help our patients realize their unique aesthetic goals.